Irina Boboschko

Publications and Presentations


Peer-Reviewed / Refereed Journal Publications
4. Boboschko, I. (2024) The Impact of Seeing Human Involvement in Sensor-Based Journalism on Reader Appreciation, International Conference on Information Resource Management (Conf-IRM), Cairo, Egypt, 2024. [Best Research-in-Progress Award]
3. Loebbecke, C. Obeng-Antwi, A., Boboschko, I., Cremer, S. (2024) Towards AI-based thumbnail design for fostering consumption on digital media platforms, International Journal of Information Management (IJIM).


Loebbecke, C., Oberschulte, F., Boboschko, I. (2021) Mass Media Deploying Digital Personalization: An Empirical Investigation, International Journal on Media Management, 23(3-4), 176-203.


Loebbecke, C., Boboschko, I. (2020) Reflecting Upon Sensor-Based Data Collection to Improve Decision Making, Journal of Decision Systems, 29(2), 1-14.

Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
  Loebbecke, C., Boboschko, I., Tan, S., Obeng-Antwi, A. (2022) Fostering Inclusive Innovation via Online-to-Offline Platforms: The Case of Photography, Pre-ICIS AIS SIG Social Inclusion Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark.
7. Boboschko, I., Loebbecke, C. (2022) Mining Sensor-Based Data Affecting Journalists' Professional Identities, Changing the Nature of Work (CNoW) Pre-ICIS Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark.
6. Boboschko, I. (2022) IT-Driven Divestments: Towards Theoretical Multiplicity through a Configurational Lens, European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Timisoara, Romania. ['B'-Publication in VHB-JOURQUAL 2]
5. Loebbecke, C, Boboschko, I., (2022) Sensors as Stakeholders in the Journalistic Profession:  Context, Relevance, and Research Opportunities, Conference of the European Media Management Association (EMMA), Munich, Germany.
4. Boboschko, I., Loebbecke, C. (2021) When Less Becomes More: Theoretically Grounding IT-Induced Divestments in Digital Environments, Middle East and North Africa Conference on Information Systems (MENACIS), Agadir, Morocco.
3. Boboschko, I., Loebbecke, C. (2021) AI Approaches for Decision Making under Uncertainty: Pros and Cons of Sensor Data for AI-Based Decision Making, European Conference on Operational Research (EURO), Athens, Greece.
2. Loebbecke, C., Boboschko, I. (2020) Reflecting Upon Sensor-Based Data Collection to Improve Decision Making, International Conference on Decision Support Systems (IFIP TC8 / WG 8.3 Conference), Wroclaw, Poland.
1. Monod, E., Joyce, E., Hillon Y., Tan, Y., Santoro, F., Irnazarow, A., Backhaus, C., Teracino, E., Boboschko, I., Abraham, L., Liu, L. (2020) Theories of Power, Boundary Spanning and the Impact of Technology: A Japanese Company in China, Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AoM), Vancouver, Canada.

© Department of Media and Technology Management