Master - Media and Technology Management:
Enterprises, Markets, and Strategies (EMS)
6 CP

MTM MSc WiSo PO 2015 oder MTM MeWi-Master PO 2015)
(WS '18/'19)

C. Loebbecke


Lecture and Exercise: Thursdays, 2:00-5:30 pm

Location: HS XXIII, WiSo-Building

Start: Oct. 18, '18, 2:00 pm

Exam (Klausur): Jan 24, '19, 2:30-3:30 pm, Location: tbd.
Exam registration via KLIPS, due Jan 10, '19, 11:59 pm // Prüfungsanmeldung via KLIPS, Frist 10. Jan. '19, 23:59 Uhr

Held in English


Further Information

We will provide most course-related material (slides, literature list, etc.) BEFORE the first session via e-mail to those who voluntarily register online on (see below). We recommend that you will bring that material to the first session; we do not provide any material via ILIAS.


Grading / Credit Points
60-Minute Exam on Jan. 24, '19, 2:30-3:30 pm, accounting for 100% of the grade.


Registration for Course Material
Voluntary online registration HERE (MTM Master Account required) is recommended to receive course-related information via e-mail (literature, change of lecture hall, cancellation, aspects relevant for the exam).


Registration for Examination
Solely via KLIPS 2.0 (PO 2015) or WiSo-App (PO 2008).

Exam Registration deadline: Jan. 10, '19, 11:59 pm.


Ausschließlich über KLIPS 2.0 (PO 2015) oder WiSo-App (PO 2008).

Anmeldefrist für die Klausur: 10. Jan. '19, 23:59 Uhr.

© Department of Media and Technology Management