Citation in the text

When adopting foreign thoughts for your text, cite the primary source in the text!

Refer to second-hand quotes with the words 'cited after ...'

Cite scientific sources (scientific journals, scientific books, proceedings of scientific conferences); only very rarely use non-scientific sources (figures etc. from press, consulting reports, company websites, blogs)

Positioning of references

    -- If a reference refers to a single word or group of words, place the reference directly behind the word or group of words and before a punctuation mark that may follow

    -- If a reference refers to a sentence or a part of a sentence separated by a punctuation mark, place the reference before the closing punctuation mark

    -- Avoid references to entire passages of your text if possible

Formatting of references

    -- For in-text citations, use the format (last name(s), year). If there are more than two authors, mention only the first author's last name followed by 'et al.'

    -- Always put the year directly after the author, i.e. (Mueller, 2021) or "Mueller (2021) says" - NEVER "Mueller says"

    -- Exact page references ONLY, but then mandatory, for direct quotes, NEVER: f. or ff.

    -- No 'cf.', no 'see'

    -- No literature reference in footnotes

    -- Rare use of footnotes - never for references, if necessary for commenting additions

    -- No 'ebd.', 'ibid.', etc.

Figures and tables

    -- Do NOT copy pictures into your document. Instead, create all figures and tables by yourself in Word, PowerPoint etc!

    -- Figures and tables ALWAYS require an exact page reference, either (Source: Own analysis) or (Source: after Meier 2000, p. 17) and if entirely reproduced (Source: Meier 2000, p. 17)


Reference List

Always single-spaced

No empty lines

Alphabetic order (1st criterion: 'last name of first author', 2nd criterion: 'year')

List of all sources cited in your work with complete bibliographic information

- List only references referred to in the text

- Author names without academic titles or the like

Only initial of the first name per author - no middle initials!

Period at the end of each reference

Language of reference list SAME AS language of text

Citation formats in the bibliography

o  Articles in journals: Author(s) last name, initial first name. (year) title of the article, title of the journal, volume (issue of the journal), first-last page of the article.

    Example: Markus, M., Loebbecke, C. (2013) Commoditized Digital Processes and Business Community Platforms: New Opportunities and Challenges for Digital Business Strategies, Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ), 37(2), 649-653.

o  Books: Author(s) last name, initial first name, alternatively the editor(s) with addition (eds.) (year) title, and if applicable: edition, publisher, location(s).
Example: Klein, S., Loebbecke, C. (eds.) (2001) Interdisziplinaere Managementforschung und -lehre - Chancen und Herausforderungen, Gabler Publishing, Wiesbaden, Germany.

o  Chapter in edited book: Author(s) last name, initial first name. (year) title of chapter, title of book, publisher's last name, initial first name. (eds.), if applicable: edition, publisher, location(s), first-last page of the chapter.
Example: Loebbecke, C., Schepers, S. (2013) European Innovation Policy and Political Processes in the Light of Information and Communication Technologies, in: Wettbewerb und Regulierung in Medien, Politik und Märkten, Dewenter, R., Haucap, J., Kehder, C. (eds.), Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden, Germany, 99-113.

o  Dissertations and Bachelor/Master/Diploma theses cited in the same format as books - Attention: non-published work NOT citable

o  Online sources: Author(s) last name, initial first name. (year) title of source, book, journal, page references etc., URL, accessed on YYYY-MM-DD. Online sources are only acceptable if a paper version is not available. Scientific sources are cited via journal references including page numbers, not just an URL

Using words or ideas from another author's intellectual property without reference is considered a violation of intellectual property rights and copyright and could lead to failing the exam or module corresponding to your thesis!