Modul 25005: Media Management: 'Media Research' (SS '10)
C. Loebbecke
Wahlpflichtveranstaltung, 2 SWS, 6 LP
Thursdays 17:45-21:00 h (max. 5 sessions, dates to be finalized)
Location: HS XXIII WiSo-Building
Start: 15.04.'10
Held in English
The course will cover the basics
of scientific work focusing
on media management and innovative
information and communication
technologies. We will prepare for writing short papers and
diploma thesis,
discuss research approaches, read
and review
The course will be
taught in ENGLISH! Preparation will not be necessary. Registration (see
below) is
Groups need to be formed before or during the first course meeting;
take advantage of sharing work and learn
about group work
and Location
15.04., 29.04.,
06.05., 10.06., 24.06. or 01.07., 15.07. or
22.07. (all 2010),
Thursdays 17:45-21:00 o'clock in
XXIII WiSo-Building.
Max. 5 sessions!
Participation in all, but one
90 minute session (!) is required for receiving Credit
Grading / Credit Points
Grading will be based on
Course participation - individual (30%)
Smaller exercises and assignments during the course - individual or group (30%)
and oral paper review and presentation -
group (40%)
and all other details
to be announced in the first session,
Hand in to the
Dept. of Media and Technology Management, three copies of text, two copies of presentation, and one electronic version of each (CD or disc, NO eMail) in Word / Powerpoint format (doc / ppt, NOT PDF!).
Students receiving a final grade of 4,0 or better will be awarded 6 Credit Points ('Leistungspunkte') in Media Management.
© Department of Media and Technology Management