Master - Media and Technology Management:
'Entrepreneurship / Project'
(SS '17)
C. Loebbecke
2 SWS, 6 CP
Fridays, 12:30 noon - 5:30 pm, Dates: see below
Location: HS XXIII (WiSo-Building)
Start: Apr. 21,'17
Held in English (some knowledge of German is advantageous, but not required)
"Do it, do not just talk about it!"
Mandatory Pre-Assignment - see below
The course will cover various aspects relevant for project planning and/or the design and management of or e-ventures in the fields of media, IT, or telecommunication. Students develop a business idea and a concept for 'their' product and convincingly present it with a focus on the necessary business considerations ('how to make money?!').
There are two options for students projects:
a) Venture: Students set up a business plan for a new company. Important is the realistic representation of the profit potential ('How will you make money?'). Time periods and size of the company do not matter; we are NOT looking for prototypes etc.
b) Product innovation: Students set up a business plan for development and sales of a new product
in a given company setting / product portfolio. Important is the realistic
representation of the profit potential ('How will you make money?'). Time
periods and size of the company do not matter, we are NOT looking for prototypes
etc. The second option does require disclosing the company context.
Group formation: Group formation takes place in the first session by the professor. Registration details are shown below.
Apr. 21 (mandatory kick-off), May 05, May 19, June 02, June 23, June 30 (final presentation !) -- all '17 in HS XXIII.
Deadline: Apr. 18, 11:00 am via eMail
The pre-assignment will be sent in the first week of April via eMail to the
sMail accounts to students who are successfully registered for the examination
('Pruefung') - see below.
Pre-Assignment (15%, individual)
Intermediate concept (ppt and presentation) (20%, group)
Active participation on all dates (15%, individual)
Final presentation (30%, group)
Final paper -- based on the final presentation (20%, group)
All grading elements have to be passed in order to pass the course. Participation on April 21, '17 and on June 30, '17 is mandatory for passing the course.
© Department of Media and Technology Management