Master - Media and
Technology Management
'Research and Publications'
(SS '17)
C. Loebbecke
2 SWS, 6 CP
Thursdays, 5:45 pm - 9:00 pm
Location: HS XXIII (WiSo-Building)
Start: Apr. 20, '17
Held in English
Mandatory Pre-Assignment - see below
The course will cover the basics of research on
media and technology management. It will introduce research methods and
approaches, prepare for outlining and writing short papers and a master thesis,
get students accustomed to reading and perhaps reviewing
research papers. Groups will be formed during the first course meeting. Registration
details are shown below.
Dates and Location
(max. 5 dates)
Apr. 20 (mandatory!),
May 4, Jun. 1, Jun. 22, Jun.
29, Jul. 06, Jul. 13 -- all '17 in HS XXIII.
Deadline: Apr. 18, 11:00 am via eMail
The pre-assignment will be sent in the first week of April via eMail to the
sMail accounts to students who are successfully registered for the examination
('Pruefung') - see below.
Course Grading / Credit Points
Grading will be based on
Pre-Assignment: 20%
Smaller exercises, discussions, and assignments during the sessions: 40% (individual or group)
Written and oral final assignment: 40% (group; details during the course).
© Department of Media and Technology Management