Media and
Technology Management:
Enterprises, Markets, and Strategies (EMS) (Master 12 CP - SS '19)
MTM MSc WiSo PO 2015 or MTM MeWi-Master PO 2015)
C. Loebbecke
Lecture and Exercise: Mondays,
2:30-5:30 pm
Location: Room 4.02,
Pohligstr. 1, 50969 Cologne
Start: Apr. 08,
First Exam (erster Klausurtermin): July
01, '19, 3:15-4:15 pm, Location: Room 4.02, Pohligstr. 1, 50969 Cologne (same as
Second Exam (zweiter Klausurtermin): July
08, '19, 3:00-4:00 pm, Location: tbd.
Held in English
We provide most course-related material (slides, literature list, etc.)
BEFORE the first session via eMail to those who register online (see below). We
recommend that you will bring that material to the first session; we do not
provide any material via ILIAS.
Articles 11 and 13 of EU Copy Right Reform
as voted for March 26, 2019 in the European Parliament
Summarize the message of those two
articles in your (non legal) words - 50 words per article
Per article, name a group f players
whose business model is likely to benefit from the new article and a group
of players whose business model is likely to suffer from the new article
(100 words each = 400 words).
Feel free to learn from the press, website or scientific sources -- but make
sure you provide arguments, not other person's views or moods.
Loebbecke, C., Picot. A. (2015)* in about 200 words (use your own words, do
not copy the abstract).
Find one academic/
scientific / journal paper not cited in the article which has investigated
ONE of the many bullet points in Loebbecke / Picot (2015) in the context of
publishers or broadcasters.
For the selected paper provide a short insight how it investigated
the topic of the bullet point (method), what it found (finding / result),
and if and why it confirms or disconfirms Loebbecke/Picot (2015)'s
reflections on the chosen bullet point (150 words).
* Loebbecke, C.,
Picot. A. (2015) Reflections on Societal and Business Model Transformation
arising from Digitization and Big Data Analytics: A Research Agenda, Journal of
Strategic Information Systems, 24(3), 149-157.
Have your
name, Matr. Number, sMail address, study program and begin of program (1st
master semester) on top of each page; then continue typing, NO cover sheet!
Times New Roman 12 pt, single-spaced
Scientific writing style - no jokes, no slang, hardly any passive voice
References IN THE TEXT (no footnotes), avoid "ibid., cf. etc."
Consistent format (including spacing)
Page numbers of references only for word-by-word citations
Complete reference list formatted appropriately with all required
information per file (see - even if it is only one
From your
sMail account, please send a non-protected word file to
claudia.loebbecke <at> AND to denis.niederle <at>, 2
pages max all inclusive.
eMail subject line:EMS12-LitRev-Lastname
File name: EMS12-Litrev-Lastname.doc(x)
Do not
forget the hyphens (no underscore!) - no spaces, no 'Umlaute', no
marks/accents, no nothing in filenames - regardless how you spell your name in
real life !
Final Assignment due June 30, '19, 11:00
am via eMail and on paper (see below)
Choose one of the
following product (families) AdBlock Plus, Magenta TV, Zattoo, WDR Mediathek,
or Express (DuMont) and outline how the respective company generates revenue
with that product -- who pays in which revenue model for what? [50
one major competitor for the product and analyze what speaks for your
company being ahead or behind that competitor / competitive product offering
in about 2 years. Use some of the concepts introduced in class [200
words, conceptual figures welcome!]
Find ONE
additional topic that covers at least two lecture sessions (according to the
lecture outline slide) and discuss your product in the context of that topic
[250 words]
Analyze how any
success of the product would impact the relevant "supplier" group --
press publishers for AdBlock Plus,
TV channels forMagenta TV and / or
broadcast program makers (fiction or journalism) for WDR Mediathek,
for Express (DuMont) [250 words]
Introduce the concept
of the sharing economy [50 words] and analyze
economic potential of the product in a true sharing context[200 words]
the providing
company's strategy with regard to the given product (family) against the
current hype about Artificial Intelligence (AI) [250 words]
Provide a proper
reference list at the end of the assignment
pieces of advice
Revenue generation
depends on customers; and customers are those who pay -- stick to an
economic analysis.
Very basic facts
(including how they generate revenue!) on the product family / company are
sufficient for the assignment, take them from the press, wikipedia, the
company website, or the like -- grading will be on YOUR ANALYSIS, on your
DERIVING / illustrating your insights form your analysis.
ANALYZE -- explain
your assessment, do not justify it by citing others who said the same.
Do not judge /
evaluate the product and the company's strategy, "do not think or feel"
For some of the
sub-tasks, find at least one academic paper that provides a (transferable)
analysis on a similar / comparable topic (sounds tedious, but makes the task
much easier and the solution much faster); tell the logic and apply the
logic to your product family, and YOU analyze your product family based on
their framework, approach, tool, concept, argument, etc. The references from
the EMS literature list could be helpful, but are not mandatory. Only make
sure you pick academic papers that are reviewed and conceptual; do not
search for one on a public broadcaster's mediatheque, press platforms, or
the like.
Have your
name, Matr. Number, sMail address, study program and begin of program (1st
master semester) on top of each page; then continue typing, NO cover sheet!
Times New Roman 12 pt, single-spaced, no empty lines -- nowhere!
Scientific writing style - no jokes, no slang, hardly any passive voice
References IN THE TEXT (no footnotes), avoid "ibid., cf. etc."
Consistent format (including spacing)
Page numbers of references only for word-by-word citations
Complete reference list formatted appropriately with all required
information (see - even if it is only one source.
Deadline June 30, '19,
11:00 am or 'Poststempel' dated June 30, '19.
1) Provide three printed copies
with a signed 'Eidesstattliche Erklärung' to MTM-Department,
Pohligstr: 1, GROUND FLOOR, Mailbox INSIDE the building.
2) Send
from your sMail account ONE eMail with ONE non-protected word file to
claudia.loebbecke <at> AND to denis.niederle <at>
eMail subject line:EMS12-Final-Lastname
File name: EMS12-Final-Lastname.doc(x)
Do not
forget the hyphens (no underscore!) - no spaces, no 'Umlaute', no marks/accents,
no nothing in filenames - regardless how you spell your name in real life!
Grading / Credit Points
Grading will be based on
- 5%:
Literature Summarydue Apr.
04, '19, 11:00 am
via eMail
- 10%: Literature Review due
May 16,, '19, 11:00 am
via eMail
- 35%: Paper,
details to follow latest by May 20, '19, and then due in June 30, 11 am (via
eMAil AND signed paper delivery to the MTM department, Pohligstr. 1, 50969 Koeln,
mailbox on the GROUND FLOOR, do not bring it upstairs!)
- 50%: 60-Minute
exam on Jul. 01, '19, 3:15-4:15 pm
It is required to at least 'pass' (grade 4.0 or better) each grading element
for passing the course.