Übung in Medienmanagement (WS '04/'05)
Study Seminar' (Ln-Schein)
C. Loebbecke
This block seminar
investigates different case studies covering strategic management issues based
on industry and competitive analyses. Student teams will have to analyze a
pre-written case and present their analysis (30%). They also have to develop and
write a new case study within the broad fields of strategic management in media
or telecom industry, eBusiness, or information technology applications (60%).
The course will be taught in ENGLISH! Preparation will not be necessary, cases will be distributed in the first class session. Registration (see below) until October 21 is mandatory, FIRST COME - FIRST SERVE; the number of participants is limited to 30 students.
and Location
Oct 25, 18:00 - 21:00, Rm 401, Pohligstr. 1;
Deadline for Case Study Analysis (5 pages max!):
17.11.'04, 12:00, at the Department of Media Management (2 copies plus diskette
/ CD - no eMail)
Nov 20, 10:00 - 18:00, in Rm 401, Pohligstr. 1.;
Deadline for Developed Case Study(25 pages max):
17.01.'05, 12:00, at the Department of Media Management (2 copies plus diskette
/ CD - no eMail)
Jan 20, 17:00 - 21:00, in XXIII.
Participation at all three
dates is required for Ln-Schein / Certificate!
Grading will be
based on course
participation (10%), case analysis (30%), and case development (60%).
Students receiving
a final grade of 4,0 or better will be awarded an 'Ln-Schein in 'Media
Management'' or the equivalent for foreign students.
© Department of Media and Technology Management