Modul 25003: Industry and Competition Analysis (ICA) (WS '06/'07)
C. Loebbecke (with Assistants)
Wahlpflichtveranstaltung, 2 SWS, 6 Credit Points (LP)
The course will cover
some basic
tools used in industry and competition analysis.
We will apply those tools to prepare several industry
and competition analyses in selected fields
of media management.
The course will be
taught in ENGLISH! Preparation will not be necessary. Registration (see
below) is
GROUP WORK will be strongly
suggested. Groups of two or three
students need to be formed before or during the first course meeting, individual
work is possible!
We recommend groups of THREE students (it also helps to share work and learn
about group work!).
and Location
26.10, 02.11., 23.11., 11.01.,
25.01. 17:00-20:30h in XXIII.
Participation at all dates but one is required for receiving Credit Points!
/ Credit Points
will be based on
and exercises
- individual (40%),
- and
written and oral papers
and presentations -
group (2
x 30% = 60%).
Students receiving a final grade of 4,0 or better will be awarded 6
Credit Points ('Leistungspunkte') in Media Management.
I (Satellite Radio Case)
a) Deadline for the paper:
Nov. 21, 12:00 o'clock, Dept. of Media Management (Mailbox ground floor after
10:30). Three copies (print) needed. Length: max 10
pages ALL INCLUSIVE, you decide and make it look nice. Color NOT needed.
b) Be ready to present in MAX 8 minutes (MAX 7 slides) the main
messages (and their line of argument) of your paper / written analysis. Most
likely you will get less time on selected points. Possibly I will let you know
by Wednesday 22nd, morning.
22, 2006, 12:00 o'clock, Dept. of Media
Management (secretariat open till 10:30 - after that use mailbox on ground
floor, Pohligstr. 1)
Topic: Analysis regarding investment decision to Harvard Business School
case study on Satellite Radio (group assignment, has been discussed in class at
length, 5 - 15 pages).
Required: 3 paper copies.
9, 2007, 12:00 o'clock,
Dept. of Media Management (secretariat open till 10:30 - after that use mailbox
on ground floor, Pohligstr. 1)
Topic: Own case writing AND
analysis on Microsoft's Zune entering the MP3 player market (group assignment,
discussed in class).
Text (5 - 20 pages): 3 paper copies and word document
Presentation with 5-15 ppt slides covering the ANALYSIS and the RELEVANT / INTERESTING
facts (nothing on slides that does not directly go into
some analysis): 3 copies of printout with 6 slides per page AND ppt file
Naming of electronic files: Groupnumber-ICA-Zune.doc OR Groupnumber-ICA-Zune.ppt
(CD or diskette,
NO eMail)
Group Assignment IV
Deadline: Jan. 25, 2007, 12:00 o'clock, Dept. of Media Management
Topic: Revised slides for Zune case - quantitative analysis (1 or more
tools) of the Zune case, work with numbers!
Presentation with 6 ppt slides (cover + 5) only by eMail
Naming of electronic file: Groupnumber-ICA-Zune-Revised.ppt
Send eMail with ppt-slides to;
and all your group members.
Questions may be asked during the first session.
© Department of Media and Technology Management