Modul 53010: Hauptseminar 'Leadership in Service Companies' (WS '09/'10)

O. M. Triebel

Dates and Location: See below

2 SWS, 7 LP

Only for WiSo-Students!

Held in English


This course provides theoretical concepts and practical approaches to leadership and management development topics and discusses them based on concrete practical examples, partially from the media industry.

Management development is introduced as strategic instrument of the CEO. The course analyzes and discusses whether and how leadership capabilities can be 'taught' and which competencies leadership in and management require.

Student should be prepared to apply philosophical, sociological, and psychological concepts to issues such as changes in intention and behavior of employees in the course of change and transformation processes as concrete challenges in todays business environment.


Dates and Location
Friday, 16.10.'09, 1
3:30-18:30 o'clock i
n HS XXIII WiSo-Building

Friday, 27.11.'09, 12:30-17:30 o'clock in HS XXIII WiSo-Building     

Saturday, 28.11.'09, 11:00-17:00 o'clock in McKinsey-Office, Cologne

Participation in all sessions is required for receiving 7 Credit Points!


Credit Points

          Students must achieve an average of 4,0 or better.

Will be announced in class.

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