Modul 53010:
Master - Hauptseminar
Enabled Services'
(WS '11/'12)
Virpi K. Tuunainen, PhD
University, School of Economics
Held in English!
V.K., Tuunanen, T. & Piispanen, J. (2011) Mobile Service
Platforms -
Comparing Nokia OVI and Apple App Store with the IISIⁿ model, ICMB
2011, June
20-22, 2011,
T., Parker, G. & Van Alstyne, M.W.
(2006) Strategies for Two-Sided Markets,
Harvard Business Review, pp. 92-101.
to copyright issues, the article by Eisenmann et al. may not be printed - a printable version can be found online!
Part II: Case Google Inc. (30%)
the Google Inc. case and answer the following case questions. Max. 1 page per question.
to copyright issues, the case will be sent to students' sMail accounts
by Prof. Tuunainen till the end of this week!
Case questions:
What were the key factors behind Google's early success?
Do you expect the search business to become more concentrated (i.e., dominated by fewer firms)? Is search a winner-take-all business?
In renewing its deal with AOL, could Google afford to pay AOL more than 100% of the revenue generated from AOL searches? How did Microsoft's maximum affordable bid for AOL's search traffic compare to Google's?
In addition to enhancing its core search businesses, should Google also branch out into new arenas? Which of the following would you recommend: 1) building a full-fledged portal like Yahoo!'s; 2) targeting Microsoft's desktop software hegemony; and/or 3) becoming an e-commer inmediary like eBay?
you view Google's distinctive governance structure, corporate culture,
and organizational processes as strengths or as potentials limitations?
Final Assignment
Choose a service that
wasn't discussed in detail in classe
is enabled or supported by ICT
is Platform-mediated
is In two (or n)-sided markets
Return a report of 5-7 pages
1. Descibe the service
2. Analyze the service with the help of the IISIn model
The platform
Different market sides (1 and 2)
Network effects
is In two (or n)-sided markets
3. Discuss the opportunities and challenges of the service
WTA propensity
Pricing strategy
Threat of envelopment
Please make sure that you add the following (signed) declaration ("Ehrenwörtliche Erklärung") to your assignment: "Hiermit versichere ich, dass ich die vorliegende Arbeit selbstständig und ohne die Benutzung anderer als der angegebenen Hilfsmittel angefertigt habe. Alle Stellen, die wörtlich oder sinngemäß aus veröffentlichten und nicht veröffentlichten Schriften entnommen wurden, sind als solche kenntlich gemacht." The declaration must be in German language.
Deadline: 11:00 o'clock, December 15, 2011. Hand in
one electronic version on CD/DVD (Word document, i.e., .doc or .docx, no .pdf, no eMail) and
two copies / printouts
at the department's letter box inside the building Pohligstr. 1, 50969 Cologne.
Pre-Assignment - October 4, 2011.
Final Assignment - Details t.b.a., due December 15, 2011.
© Department of Media and Technology Management