Modul 53010: Master - Hauptseminar 'ICT Enabled Services'
(WS '11/'12)

Prof. Virpi K. Tuunainen, PhD
Aalto University, School of Economics
2 SWS, 7 LP

Held in English!

Innovations in services are largely based upon the development of new markets that exploit the power of information and communication technologies (ICT) to coordinate service production and delivery. What are particulary interesting are the two- or many-sided networks, where ICT supported platforms provide services to two or more distinct groups of users. During the course, we will cover the definitions and core contepts related to ICT enabled services and management challenges related to such services. Examples will cover, e.g., eBay, Apple AppStore, PayPal, ipTV, and game consoles. 



Combination of lecture and discussion. Groups will be formed during the first day of teaching. 


Dates and Location



The pre-assignment consists of two parts.
Deadline: 11:00 o'clock, October 4, 2011. Hand in at the department's letter box inside the building Pohligstr. 1, 50969 Cologne.

Part I: Platform mediated services (15%)
Read the two articles
Think about examples of platform-mediated services that you personally use. Consider whether they are on one-sided or two-sided markets. Select two of the services that are based on two-sided markets you have identified, and analyze them based on the three challenges presented in the Eisenmann et al. (2006) article. Max 1 page.

Part II: Case Google Inc. (30%) 
Read the Google Inc. case and answer the following case questions. Max. 1 page per question.
Due to copyright issues, the case will be sent to students' sMail accounts by Prof. Tuunainen till the end of this week!
Case questions: 


Final Assignment
Choose a service that

Return a report of 5-7 pages

1. Descibe the service

2. Analyze the service with the help of the IISIn model

3. Discuss the opportunities and challenges of the service

Please make sure that you add the following (signed) declaration ("Ehrenwörtliche Erklärung") to your assignment: "Hiermit versichere ich, dass ich die vorliegende Arbeit selbstständig und ohne die Benutzung anderer als der angegebenen Hilfsmittel angefertigt habe. Alle Stellen, die wörtlich oder sinngemäß aus veröffentlichten und nicht veröffentlichten Schriften entnommen wurden, sind als solche kenntlich gemacht." The declaration must be in German language.

Deadline: 11:00 o'clock, December 15, 2011. Hand in

at the department's letter box inside the building Pohligstr. 1, 50969 Cologne.


Deadline for Assignments



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