Master - Media and
Technology Management Selected Issues
'Transforming Towards the
Sharing Economy' -
(WS '15/'16)
C. Loebbecke
2 SWS, 6 CP
Fridays, 12:30-16:30 h
Location: HS XXIII, WiSo-Building
Start: Nov. 20, '15
Held in English
Pre-Assignment DUE Nov 13, 2015, 11:00 am
During the course, we will read and discuss up
to two major pieces on the sharing economy: 'Rifkin, J. (2014) The Zero Marginal
Cost Society: The Internet of Things, the Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse
of Capitalism' and 'Shirky, C. (2008) Here Comes Everybody: The Power of
Organizing without Organizations'. The idea is to be aware of the authors'
arguments and to discuss them in light of ongoing value creation initiatives and
the 'Digital Agenda 2020' (
Nov. 20 (mandatory kick-off and group formation),
Nov. 27, Dec. 4, (all '15), Jan. 08, Jan. 22 (both '16) - max. 5 dates.
HS XXIII WiSo-Building.
Required Pre-Assignment
Read (1) Rifkin, Chapter 1, and (2) Shirky, Chapter 2 BEFORE the 1st session and summarize those chapters (not the complete books, i.e. do not just copy book abstracts!) in about 250 words each and add another 250 words on how you expect and reason the two books to represent similar or contrasting lines of argument regarding the 'sharing economy'.
send ONE mail with THREE non-protected word files per eMail attachment to
claudia.loebbecke < at > AND to stefan.cremer < at >
We only read
sMail accounts!!!!
subject line: IssuesI Assignment Lastname (lastname only!)
File names:
-- IssuesI-Rifkin-Lastname.doc(x)
-- IssuesI-Shirky-Lastname.doc(x)
-- IssuesI-BOTH-Lastname.doc(x) For the last 250 words on how you expect ....
Do not forget the hyphens, do not include spaces or anything else in the
Please make sure you have your name, Matr. Number, eMail address and study program on top of p. 1 in EACH ASSIGNMENT FILE. But then continue typing, no need to have a cover sheet for such short pieces of work. So, we will get your name etc 3 times and NO cover sheet; again, this is slightly different from the website.
Grading will be based on
Pre-Assignment DUE November 13, 11am (20%)
Course contributions and small exercises (40%) ─ as we will all read the same texts, we hope for a lively discussion.
Written and oral assignments during course (40%)
Students receiving a final grade of 4,0 or better will be awarded 6 Credit Points ('Leistungspunkte').
Rifkin, J. (2014) The Zero Marginal Cost Society: The Internet of Things, the Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse of Capitalism, Macmillan, New York, NY, US.
Shirky, C. (2008) Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing without Organizations, Penguin Press, New York, NY, US.
Website and and perhaps first-hand coverage of 'Digital Agenda 2020' ─ s. for instance
You can get the books online any time ... and we sent the chapters to you via eMail.
© Department of Media and Technology Management