Master - Media and Technology Management:
Enterprises, Markets, and Strategies (EMS)
12 CP
(ONLY MTM MSc WiSo PO 2015 or MTM MeWi-Master PO 2015)

(WS '16/'17)

C. Loebbecke


Lecture and Exercise: Thursdays, 2:00-5:30 pm

Location: HS XXIII, WiSo-Building
First Assignment mailed on Oct. 01, '16 - due on Oct. 23, '16, 11:00 am
First Lecture: Oct. 20, '16, 2:00 pm in XXIII (WiSo-Building)

Held in English


Further Information

We will provide most course-related material (slides, literature list, etc) before the first session via e-mail to those who register online (see below). We recommend that you will bring that material to the first session, even if it is not required.


Grading / Credit Points

Grading will be based on

It is required to at least 'pass' (grade 4.0 or better) each grading element for passing the course.

Required Pre-Assignment
Read (1) Caves, Chapter 14,* and (2) Knee et al, Chapter 6,**.
Summarize those chapters (not the complete books, i.e., do not just copy book abstracts!) in about 250 words each and add another 250 words on how you expect and reason the two chapters represent similar or contrasting lines of argument regarding the specific case of 'making money as content provider'. Apply scientific writing style with correct literature referencing (see our website) IN THE TEXT, not with footnotes; no "ibid.", consistent formatting!

*  Caves, R. (2002) Creative Industries: Contracts Between Art and Commerce, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, US.
** Knee, J., Greenwald, B., Seave, A. (2009) The Curse of the Mogul, Penguin Group, New York, NY, US.
can get the books online any time ... and we sent the chapters to you via eMail ─ the ones for the Pre-Assignment on Oct 1, 2016

Please send ONE mail with THREE non-protected word files per eMail attachment to claudia.loebbecke <at> AND to bjoern.michalik <at> We only read sMail accounts!!!!
eMail subject line: EMS12CP-I-Lastname (lastname only, no accent etc!)
File names:
-- EMS-12CP-I-Caves-Lastname.doc(x)
- EMS-12CP-I-BOTH-Lastname.doc(x) this is for the last 250 words on how you expect ....
Do not forget the hyphens, do not include spaces or anything else in the filenames!

Please make sure you have your name, Matr. Number, eMail address (sMail) and study program, and begin of program on top of the first page in EACH ASSIGNMENT FILE. Then continue typing, no need to have a cover sheet for such short pieces of work. I.e., we expect to receive three files, one page each: three times you name etc and about 250 words on the same page.

© Department of Media and Technology Management