Master - Media and Technology Management:
Enterprises, Markets, and Strategies (EMS)
12 CP
(ONLY MTM MSc WiSo PO 2015 or MTM MeWi-Master PO 2015)
(WS '18/'19)

C. Loebbecke


Lecture and Exercise: Thursdays, 2:00-5:30 pm

Location: HS XXIII, WiSo-Building

Start: Oct. 18, '18, 2:00 pm

Exam: Jan. 24, '19, 2:30-3:30 pm, location: tbd.

Held in English


We provide most course-related material (slides, literature list, etc.) BEFORE the first session via eMail to those who register online (see below). We recommend that you will bring that material to the first session; we do not provide any material via ILIAS.


Pre-Assignment due Oct. 17, '18, 11:00 am via eMail


Read (1) Caves*, Chapter 14 (end before 'Nonprofit Organizations in the Performing Arts') and (2) Knee et al.**, Chapter 5.

Advice: We do not think and we do not feel in scientific writing, instead we argue, reason, and derive opinions or findings!

*  Caves, R. (2002) Creative Industries: Contracts Between Art and Commerce, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, US.
** Knee, J., Greenwald, B., Seave, A. (2009) The Curse of the Mogul, Penguin Group, New York, NY, US.


Literature Review Assignment due Nov. 28, '18, 11:00 am via eMail


* Loebbecke, C., Picot. A. (2015) Reflections on Societal and Business Model Transformation arising from Digitization and Big Data Analytics: A Research Agenda, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 24(3), 149-157.



Have your name, Matr. Number, sMail address, study program and begin of program (1st master semester) on top of each page; then continue typing, NO cover sheet!



From your sMail account, please send ONE eMail with ONE non-protected word file to claudia.loebbecke <at> AND to denis.niederle <at>, 2 pages max all inclusive.

Do not forget the hyphens (no underscore!) -  no spaces, no 'Umlaute', no marks/accents, no nothing in filenames - regardless how you spell your name in real life !


Final Assignment due Jan. 18, '18, 11:00 am via eMail and on paper (see below)



Two pieces of advice:



Have your name, Matr. Number, sMail address, study program and begin of program (1st master semester) on top of each page; then continue typing, NO cover sheet!



Deadline Jan. 18, '19, 11:00 am or 'Poststempel' dated Jan. 18, '19.

1) Provide three printed copies with a signed 'Eidesstattliche Erklärung' to MTM-Department, Pohligstr: 1, GROUND FLOOR, Mailbox INSIDE the building.


 2) Send from your sMail account ONE eMail with ONE non-protected word file to claudia.loebbecke <at> AND to denis.niederle <at>

Do not forget the hyphens (no underscore!) - no spaces, no 'Umlaute', no marks/accents, no nothing in filenames - regardless how you spell your name in real life!


Grading / Credit Points

Grading will be based on

·        7.5%: Pre-Assignment: Literature Summary due Oct. 17, '18, 11:00 am via eMail

·        7.5%: Literature Review  due Nov. 28, '18, 11:00 am via eMail

·        35%:  Paper, Topic handed out Dec. 01, '18, due Jan. 18, '19, 11:00 am -- Details to follow

·        50%:  60-Minute exam on Jan. 24, '19, 2:30-3:30 pm

It is required to at least 'pass' (grade 4.0 or better) each grading element for passing the course.

"Alle Prüfungselemente müssen mindestens bestanden sein."


© Department of Media and Technology Management