Enterprises, Markets, and Strategies (EMS)
(Master 12 CP - WS '19/'20)
MTM MSc WiSo PO 2015 or MTM MeWi-Master PO 2015)
C. Loebbecke
Lecture and Exercise: Thursdays, 2:00-5:30 pm
Location: HS XXIII (WiSo-Building)
Start: Oct. 10, '19
Exam (Klausur): Jan. 16, '20, 2:30-3:30pm, Location tbd.
Held in English
Exam-relevant extra Session:
Friday, Oct 18; 2:15- 4:30 pm in XXIII: Thomas Hallet, WDR*
Innovation Lab, 'From
the Sky into the Coal Mine. Experiences
in Virtual Reality'
(English guest lecture) possibly followed up by a visit to the WDR- Virtual
Reality Track on Campus on Oct 21 / 22)
Thursday, Nov. 7 (instead of a lecture on that day), 2pm - until ca. 5pm in the
Wallraff-Richartzmuseum in Cologne.: Visit to the WDR* "Rundfunkrat" (in
*Westdeutscher Rundfunk,
German Public TV
Further Information and Course Material
We provide most course-related material (slides, literature list, etc.)
BEFORE the first session via eMail to those who register online (see below).
recommend that you will bring that material to the first session; we do not
provide any material via ILIAS. We will introduce the course as a whole in
the first session.
Pre-Assignment due Oct.
10, '19, 11:00 am via eMail
(1) Caves, Chapter 14,* and
(2) Knee et al, Chapter 6,**.
Summarize those chapters (not the complete books, i.e., do not just
copy book abstracts!) in about 250 words each and add another 250 words on how
you expect and reason the two chapters represent similar or contrasting lines of
argument regarding the specific case of 'making money as content provider in the
era of Netflix and Amazon Prime'. Apply scientific writing style with correct
literature referencing (see our website) IN THE TEXT, not with footnotes; no
"ibid.", consistent formatting!
Caves, R. (2002) Creative Industries: Contracts Between Art and Commerce,
Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, US.
Knee, J., Greenwald, B., Seave, A. (2009) The Curse of the Mogul, Penguin Group,
New York, NY, US.
As soon as you use at least
one reference, you must provide ONE proper reference list for the complete
Exercise Task due Nov. 14, '19, 11:00 am via eMail
The course slides entail one slide titled:
'Digitization: Food for Thought'.
Pick any 3 of those 6 bullet points and for each:
(1) analyze / reflect against the academic literature what will likely happen
[150 words per bullet point], and
(2) why and which players in the media industry (not ecommerce, not advertisers)
would benefit or face new challenges [100 words per bullet point].
Keep in mind that in science we neither think nor feel, but we derive arguments
and back them with academic references (no press, neither company nor market
numbers, only English language references.
Have three headings in your assignment which you please copy from the respective
bullet point chosen -- I can do the transfer to the media industry myself -- it
is REQUIRED, do not write anything that does not relate to the media industry.
The total will be about 750 words plus headings etc.
Final Assignment due Jan. 09, '20
Choose one of the following infrastructures: 5G, Fiber-to-the-Home, or DAB+
Present the distribution status in Germany [100 words]
Present the regulatory setting regarding further deployment as of now and the political debate around it [250 words].
Analyze economically: what / who speaks for further deployment and what / who speaks against it [250 words].
Choose one user company from the MTM field and argue why this company would like to use (or not use) the chosen infrastructure [250 words].
Find ONE additional topic / analytical perspective related to the chosen infrastructure that covers at least two lecture sessions (according to the lecture outline slide) and discuss your infrastructure / product in the context of that topic [250 words]
Reference at least one A / A+ journal (VHB List) and integrate its analysis / framework into your answer to the 3rd, 4th, or 5th sub-task.
Provide a proper reference list at
the end of the assignment
Four pieces of advice
Revenue generation depends on customers; and customers are those who pay ...
Grading will be on YOUR ANALYSIS, on your DERIVING / illustrating your insights form your analysis -- not on what you copy from somewhere in the WWW …
ANALYZE, i.e. derive and explain your assessment, do not justify it by citing others who said the same.
Do not judge / evaluate the product
or a company's strategy, "do not think or feel"
Have your name, Matr.
Number, sMail address, study program (MeWi) and begin of program (1st master
semester) on top of first page; then continue typing, NO cover sheet!
Only your name and Matr. Number on the top of all pages
Times New Roman 12 pt, single-spaced, no empty lines -- nowhere!
Scientific writing style - no jokes, no slang, hardly any passive voice
References IN THE TEXT (no footnotes), avoid "ibid., cf. etc."
Consistent format (including spacing)
Page numbers of references only for word-by-word citations
(Complete reference
list formatted appropriately with all required information (see - even if it is only one source.
deadline January 09, '20
1) Provide three
printed copies with a signed 'Eidesstattliche Erklärung' to
MTM-Department, Pohligstr: 1, GROUND FLOOR, Mailbox INSIDE the building.
2) Send from your sMail account ONE eMail with ONE non-protected word file to
claudia.loebbecke <at> AND to denis.niederle <at>
eMail subject line: EMS12-Final-Lastname
File name: EMS12-Final-Lastname.doc(x)
Do not forget the hyphens (no underscore!): no spaces, no 'Umlaute', no marks/accents, no nothing in filenames - regardless how you spell your name in real life!
Grading / Credit Points
Grading will be based on
- 10%:
Literature Summary
due Oct.
10, '19, 11:00 am
via eMail
- 15%: Exercise due
Nov. 14, '19, 11:00 am
via eMail
- 25%: Paper,
details to follow latest by Nov. 18, '19, and then due on
Jan. 09, '20, 11:00 am (via eMail AND signed paper delivery to the MTM Department, Pohligstr. 1, 50969 Koeln,
mailbox on the GROUND FLOOR, do not bring it upstairs!)
- 50%: 60-Minute
exam on Jan. 16, '20, 2:30-3:30 pm
It is required to at least 'pass' (grade 4.0 or better) each grading element
for passing the course.
"Alle Prüfungselemente müssen mindestens
bestanden sein."
© Department of Media and Technology Management