Enterprises, Markets, and Strategies (EMS 12CP)
(Master - WS '20/'21)
MTM MeWi-Master PO 2015)
C. Loebbecke
Thursdays, 2:00-5:30 pm, selected dates (see below)
Location: ZOOM (alias: let's walk the talk!)
Start: Nov. 05, '20 at 2:00-5:30 pm - meeting online - live!
Final grading element for the lecture part (formerly 'Klausur'): Jan. 28., '21, 2:30 pm
Held in English
We will introduce the course as a whole in the first session. All sessions will be taught via ZOOM at fixed time slots. At the first course session on Nov. 05, '20, you should all be acquainted with ZOOM. We will check with you, via eMail, ahead of time. We will provide course-related material (slides, literature list, exercises, links, etc.) before the sessions, but only after you handed in the Pre-Assignment. From the first session onwards, we will organize the former EMS lecture (Vorlesung) as a combination of material presentation, exercises, and discussions on current MTM EMS topics as we adjust to the digital environment and prepare for the final exam (date Jan. 28, '21) - the only slot when students MUST be digitally present. However, teaching and feedback will be given mainly during the online time slots.
As we changed to portfolio based grading also for
EMS 6CP, a number of required exercises during the semester (to be done before
the respective session - offline!) allow students to check their
understanding of the material and prepare issues for discussions during the
online course slots.
Pre-Assignment due
Oct. 21, '20, 11:00 am via eMail
(1) Caves, Chapter 14,* and
(2) Knee et al., Chapter 6,**.
Summarize those chapters (do not summarize the complete books, i.e., do not just
copy book abstracts!) in about 250 words each and add another 250 words on how
you expect and reason the two chapters represent similar or contrasting lines of
argument regarding the specific case of 'making money as content provider in the
era of Netflix and Amazon Prime'. Apply scientific writing style with correct
literature referencing (see our website) IN THE TEXT, not with footnotes; no
"ibid.", consistent formatting! Make sure to offer your own words,
do not copy from anywhere.
Caves, R. (2002) Creative Industries: Contracts Between Art and Commerce,
Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, US.
Knee, J., Greenwald, B., Seave, A. (2009) The Curse of the Mogul, Penguin Group,
New York, NY, US.
As soon as you use at least
one reference, you must provide ONE proper reference list for the complete
Literature Review due
Dec. 01, '20, 11:00 am
via eMail from
your sMail
(see below)
(1) Read
Bhattacharjee et al. (2007)* and
- summarize
the paper (about 800 words / without using equations!), and
- comment on the paper - likely with the help of other scientific references
(about 500 words).
Attention: You do NOT NEED to understand the math / the equations, but
you need to understand what they found. So, feel free to skip the equations, but
do not skip the effects or implications.
(2) Offer a reference
list (scientific journal papers) with 5 papers concerning the impact of the
sharing economy on an industry (music, journalism, hotel, energy, etc.) and for
each of the papers you list, write down the definition of the sharing economy as
used in that paper (likely word by word citation; requiring source with page
number, or you rephrase the definition which would not require the page
Two words of caution:
- Choose papers that deal with the topic, i.e. the impact of the sharing economy on an industry / sector (not any paper that has sharing in the title).
- Do not just list the same papers as your fellow students; i.e., not one student finds, and the others students all print ...
Formal requirements:
- State your Name, Matr.-Number, sMail address, and study program and its start
date on top of the first page; then continue typing, no cover sheet necessary
- Times New Roman, 12 pt., single-spaced
- Scientific writing style - no jokes, no slang, hardly any passive voice
- References IN THE TEXT (no footnotes), no "ibid." We talked about it ... Look
up some Anglo-American academic management journals to see the placing of
- Consistent format (including spacing)
- Page numbers of references only for word-by-word citations
- Complete reference list formatted appropriately with all required information
per file (see - even if it is only one source.
Please send
an eMail from
your sMail
account to
claudia.loebbecke <at> and denis.niederle <at>; attach
a non-protected word file (.doc or .docx)
- Subject line: MTM-EMS12-LitRev-Lastname (your lastname only, no accent etc.)
- File name: MTM-EMS12-LitRev-Lastname.doc(x) (your lastname only, no
accent etc.)
Final Assignment due Jan. 26, '21, 11:00 am via eMail from your sMail account / !!! post office stamp January 25!!! (see below)
Reflect within about 1,500 words (excluding references!) about one of the following three topics:
(A) The Applicability and Economic Relevance of Steiner's, Rothenberger's and Beebe's Program Choice Models to the 21st century - Potential and Limits
(B) Automated News in the Light of Bruno Latour's Actor Network Theory: A Strategic Perspective
(C) Platforms and Intermediates ('Intermediäre') in Germany's 2020 'Medienstaatsvertrag': Definitions, Newly Introduced Regulation, and Arguments for the Potential Strategic Impact on at Least Two different Platforms or Intermediates
For each topic, it is important that you
- structure your text with clear headings and subheadings,
- focus on the exact topic, use scientific references - preferably top scientific journals (mostly A and B on the VHB Liste),
- streamline your wording (Active voice, no repetition of text -- decide what belongs under what subheading)
- cite properly without mentioning first names, paper / book titles, etc. in the text - see below and on our webpage [e.g., The moon is yellow (Foxy 2027). OR: According to Foxy (2027) the moon is yellow.].
- limit you own assessment etc. to the very end of the text and MAKE SURE that your assessment follows from your analysis - we do not think and we do not feel in science!
Formal requirements:
- State your Name, Matr.-Number, sMail address, and study program and its start
date on top of the first page; then continue typing, no cover sheet!
- Have your name and
abbreviated title in the 1 line header of each following each page
- Times New Roman, 12 pt., single-spaced
- Scientific writing style - no jokes, no slang, hardly any passive voice
- References IN THE TEXT (no footnotes), no "ibid." We talked about it ... Look
up some Anglo-American academic management journals to see the placing of
- Consistent format (including spacing)
- Page numbers of references only for word-by-word citations
- Complete reference list formatted appropriately with all required information
per file (see - even if it is only one source.
Please send
an eMail from
your sMail
account to
claudia.loebbecke <at> and denis.niederle <at>; attach
a non-protected word file (.doc or .docx)
- Subject line: MTM-EMS12-Final-Lastname (your lastname only, no accent etc.)
- File name: MTM-EMS12-Final-Lastname.doc(x) (your lastname only, no
accent etc.)
IMPORTANT: Make sure to include a MANUALLY SIGNED "Eidesstattliche Erklärung" copied into the word file.
Please also bring two printouts including the signed "Eidesstattliche Erklärung" to our mailbox on the Ground (!) Floor; postal address: Prof. C. Loebbecke, Media and Technology Management, Pohligstr. 1, 50969 Koeln. If you mail the printouts, the deadline for the post office stamp is January 25(!)
Grading / Credit Points
Grading will be based on
- 5%:
Literature summary
Oct. 21, '20, 11:00 am - see above - same as for EMS 6 CP students
- 15%: Exercises during the course
- same as for EMS 6 CP students
- 30%: Final examination on Jan. 28, '21 - same as for EMS 6 CP students
- 20%: Literature Review Assignment,
Dec. 01, '20, 11:00 am
- 30%: Final
written Assignment,
due Jan. 26, '21,
11:00 am
(details to follow)
It is required to at least 'pass' (grade 4.0 or better) each grading element
for passing the course.
"Alle Prüfungselemente müssen mindestens
bestanden sein."
© Department of Media and Technology Management