Welcome to the
Department of Media and Technology Management
University of Cologne -


mtm<at>wiso.uni-koeln.de, Tel +49-221-470-5364, Pohligstr. 1, D-50969 Cologne

 Secretariat: Mon. - Fri. 9:30 -11:30 h


Prof. Loebbecke Workplace Video (7:18 Min.) produced by UoC WiSo-Marketing


Chairing ICIS '22 CIO Forum, Session 'Assessing AI Trustworthiness - Necessity, Potential, or Illusion?'
Keynote Prof. Stefan Wrobel (Director Fraunhofer IAIS), Keynote Slides (2 MB), Session Photos (1 MB), LinkedIn (1,
2, 3)


'Visiting Practice during the WS '22/23:'Digitale Leute', WDR and RTL (Nov '22)


MTM Offerings for the 'Kölner Kinderuni' (all in German!): 'Wir produzieren eigene Fernsehnachrichten im WDR Kinderstudio'
04/'24, 04/'23, 03/'20:
Photos, 03/'19: WDR Lokalzeit Köln (3:40 Min, 53MB) // WDR Nachrichten // Photos // Info - each overbooked!
Covid-Offering: 'Wie kommt meine App auf mein Smartphone' (via Zoom) 11/'20 and 04/'21 - massively overbooked


WDR Virtual Reality Truck (Coal Mine und Cologne Cathedral)
on campus on Oct. 21 & 22, '19 - open to MTM students and the public (Collage)

MTM TradeFairs

MTM Trade Fair with TradeFair Award in July '18: Photos

Relaunch in June '17: Photos & Details

"20 TradeFairs in 60 Seconds" - SS 13 (10 MB pptx, 7 MB pdf)

veryTV TradeFair Videos: July '11 (3:26min), July '10 (3:48min)


MTM-Studierende visiting the 'Studio Köln des WDR' (April '18)
MTM, WiSo-Fakultät


© Department of Media and Technology Management