Studying Media and Technology Management |
1. Overview
With a strong media industry background, the city of Cologne offers the opportunity to convey Media and Technology Management in a very practical manner. The popularity of Media and Technology Management indicates that students have been searching to acquire important knowledge and good qualifications in this area for their professional life. Media and Technology Management deals with the management of traditional and new media companies as well as usage of traditional and new media in any company. Media are analyzed as an economic factor from an institutional and functional perspective:
The institutional perspective focuses on traditional media companies, in particular print publishers as well as TV and radio broadcasters. Besides management and competitive positioning, main topics include financing, regulation and distribution of media products. Media and Technology Management also discusses aspects of managing digital media goods and services.
The functional perspective is reflected in the usage of media in companies. Here, eBusiness and Knowledge Management are only two popular buzzwords that indicate the economic change induced by new media.
Main Topics
Basics about media products, markets and companies, in
particular the management and competitive strategies of traditional media
enterprises: Print, broadcasting (TV and radio), movies, music.
Management of digital media goods and services: Software,
databases, financial information, online magazines, interactive services
(e.g., online forums), information services (e.g., travel agencies),
multimedia objects.
Usage of media in a corporate context: eBusiness, Knowledge Management.
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