MTM Entrepreneurship / Project
(Master - SS '20)
C. Loebbecke
2 SWS, 6 CP
2:00 - 6:30 pm,
selected dates see below
Location: online (via Zoom)
Start: Apr. 23, '20
Held in English
Mandatory Pre-Assignment - see below
[Pre-Corona version: The course will cover various aspects relevant for planning, designing, and managing a digital venture in the fields of media or telecommunication. Students will develop - during an iterative and interactive process - an idea and a business concept for an MTM innovation. Core are the presentation and the underpinning business considerations. Students choose between an MTM venture (business plan for a one-product company) and an MTM product or service innovation (business plan for a new product or a new service in a given company setting / product portfolio):
Important is the realistic presentation of the profit potential including costs and revenue ('How will you make money?'); we are NOT looking for prototypes etc. The second option requires disclosing the company context.]
Dates and Location (max. 4 dates, we will delete dates from the list, but never add any - not even in Corona times)
Apr. 23 (mandatory kick-off), Apr. 30, May 7, May 28, July 2 - all 2020 - due to
Corona all "digital - online and offline".
We will stick to the above time slots and have some
activities planned within those time slots -- online and offline. Details tbd
when we know the number of students.
Also, we will send around a link for you to test the ZOOM software, which we are supposed to use for linear distant teaching. As all courses will be taught via Zoom, you ought to be familiar with it (more than us!) by April 23.
Mandatory Pre-Assignment - due Apr. 09, '20, 11:00 am
Please watch the four videos (clips),
about 2 minutes each, provided by Deloitte under
(scroll down to "Die
Zukunftsszenarien als Video").
- Present the four scenarios; important are the differences between the
scenarios: who / which kind of entity would make the business (and why?) [max
400 words total].
Search a bit through the WWW and try to present four similar scenarios EITHER
for monetizing print products (former newspapers & magazines of whatever
content, text and still pictures) OR for selling media products that are used
repetitively (games, dating, educational software). Please note that we do not
really care whether you have very good market overview, but would like to read
your analysis which kind of entities -- comparable to the scenarios under (1) --
will be commercially successful AND WHY.
[max. (!) 400 words total].
The Pre-Assignment fits into the entrepreneurial focus of the MTM course (chosen
much before CORONA :-( as one needs to understand market mechanisms for
successfully entering a sector). [Having said that, we still need to see how well
we can teach applied entrepreneurship in a setting where group work becomes
State your name, Matr. Number, sMail address, study program, and begin of
program (1st master sem.) and then continue on the same page! No unnecessary
page breaks / no pages! No empty lines -- nowhere!
Times New Roman 12 pt, single-spaced, scientific writing style, references IN
THE TEXT (no footnotes) with a complete reference list (if you have at least one
source) formatted appropriately with all required information (see
From your sMail account, please send an eMail to claudia.loebbecke <at> AND to denis.niederle <at> and attach a non-protected word file.
eMail subject line: MTM-EntreProject-I-Lastname (Lastname only, no accent etc!)
File name: MTM-EntreProject-I-Lastname (do not forget the hyphens, do not include spaces or anything else in the filename!)
Course Grading
- Pre-Assignment: 25% -
Apr. 09, '20, 11:00 am via eMail (see above)
Active participation / presentations
during sessions (25%, individual)
- Intermediate assignment (20%, individual/group)
Final paper - based on the final
presentation (30%, individual/group)
All grading
elements have to be passed in order to pass the course.
Prüfungselemente müssen mindestens bestanden sein."
Required Course Registration until Apr. 09, '20, 11:00 am
A successful registration for the examination requires
(1) an MTM-Master-Account [Additional Privacy Policy],
(2) online registration HERE [Additional Privacy Policy] for THIS course, AND
(3) a signed application form in our mailbox, Pohligstr.1, 50969 Cologne
On Apr. 09, '20, we will forward the participant list to KLIPS / WiSo-PA, which will allow you (only those registered for the course) to register for the examination. After that you can and must register for the examination by Apr. 19, '20. We will send those of you registered a reminding eMail to your sMail account.
Notwendige Veranstaltungsanmeldung bis 09. Apr. '20, 11:00 Uhr
Eine erfolgreiche Anmeldung erfordert
(1) einen MTM-Master-Account [Zusätzliche Datenschutzbestimmungen],
(2) Online-Anmeldung [Zusätzliche Datenschutzbestimmungen] für die Veranstaltung
(3) unterschriebenes Anmeldeformular in unserem Briefkasten, Pohligstr.1, 50969 Köln.
Am 09. Apr. '20 leiten wir die Teilnehmerliste an KLIPS / WiSo-PA. Daraufhin können und müssen Sie sich selbst bis zum 19. Apr. '20 für die Prüfung anmelden. Wir werden den für die Veranstaltung Angemeldeten eine Erinnerungsmail an ihr sMail Account senden.
Required Exam Registration until Apr. 19, '20 on KLIPS / Notwendige Prüfungsanmeldung bis 19. Apr. '20 auf KLIPS (only for those who registered in time for participating in the course)
© Department of Media and Technology Management