MTM: Enterprises, Markets, and Strategies (EMS 6CP)
Master - SS '21

NOT / NICHT MTM MeWi-Master PO 2015

C. Loebbecke


Thursdays, 2:00-5:30 pm
Start: Apr. 08 '21

Location: ZOOM (alias: let's walk the talk!) - live!


Held in English


We will introduce the course as a whole in the first session and send the complete set of slides and the literature list before the first session to those students, who will have handed in the Pre-Assignment. As we changed to portfolio-based grading also for EMS 6CP, a number of required exercises during the semester (to be done before the respective session - offline!) will allow students to check their understanding of the material and prepare issues for discussions during the online course slots. We will send exercises, links, etc. before individual sessions.
All sessions will be taught via ZOOM at fixed time slots, we expect that you will be familiar with ZOOM by then.
From the first session onwards, we will organize the former EMS lecture (Vorlesung) as a combination of material presentation, exercises, and discussions and prepare for the final exam - the only slot when students MUST be digitally present. However, teaching and feedback will be given during the online time slots.

Pre-Assignment due Apr. 01, '21, 11:00 am via eMail - we offer eMailing the chapters to those students who are registered on OUR website (see below)
Read (1) Caves, Chapter 3,* and (2) Knee et al., Chapter 5,**.
Summarize those chapters (do not just copy from the book!) in about 250 words each and add another 250 words on how you expect and reason the two chapters represent similar or contrasting lines of argument regarding the specific case of 'making money as content provider in the era of Netflix and Amazon Prime'. Make sure to offer your own words, do not copy from anywhere.

 Caves, R. (2002) Creative Industries: Contracts Between Art and Commerce, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, US.
** Knee, J., Greenwald, B., Seave, A. (2009) The Curse of the Mogul, Penguin Group, New York, NY, US.

As soon as you use at least one reference, you must provide ONE proper reference list for the complete assignment.

Formal requirements
- State your name, Matr.-Number, sMail address, study program and its start date on top of the first page; then continue typing, no cover sheet!
- Max. 1 empty line before starting with the assignment text. Offer the task and then your answer.
- Times New Roman, 12 pt., single-spaced.
- Scientific writing style - no jokes, no slang, hardly any passive voice.
- References IN THE TEXT (no footnotes), no 'ibid.' - s. some Anglo-American academic management journals.
- No author first names, no repetition of reference titles in the assignment text.
- For formatting the reference list, see our website.
- Consistent format (including spacing).
- Page numbers of references only for word-by-word citations.
- Complete reference list formatted appropriately with all required information per file (see - even if it is only one source.

send an eMail from your sMail account to claudia.loebbecke<at> and astrid.obeng-antwi<at>; attach a non-protected word file (.doc or .docx)
- Subject line: EMS-Pre-Lastname (your lastname only, no accent etc.)
- File name: EMS-Pre-Lastname.doc(x) (your lastname only, no accent etc.)

Grading / Credit Points
Grading will be based on
- 20%: Pre-Assignment -
due Apr. 01, '21, 11:00 am
- 20%: Exercises during the course (details to follow)

- 60%: Final examination, date tbd.

It is required to at least 'pass' (grade 4.0 or better) each grading element for passing the course.
'Alle Prüfungselemente müssen mindestens bestanden sein.'

Required Course Registration by Apr. 01, '21, 11:00 am

A successful registration for the examination requires

(1) an MTM-Master-Account [Additional Privacy Policy],

(2) online registration HERE [Additional Privacy Policy] for THIS course.

On Apr. 01, '21, we will forward the participant list to KLIPS / WiSo-PA, which will allow you (only those registered for the course) to register for the examination. After that you can and must register for the examination by Apr. 01, '21. We will send those of you registered a reminding eMail to your sMail account.
Handing in the Pre-Assignment by Apr. 01, '21, 11:00 am (see above) and subsequent exam registration until Apr. 01, '21 on KLIPS are crucial for getting 6 CP.

Notwendige Veranstaltungsanmeldung bis 01. Apr. '21, 11:00 Uhr

Eine erfolgreiche Anmeldung erfordert

(1) einen MTM-Master-Account [Zusätzliche Datenschutzbestimmungen],

(2) Online-Anmeldung [Zusätzliche Datenschutzbestimmungen] für die Veranstaltung.

Am 01. April '21 leiten wir die Teilnehmerliste an KLIPS / WiSo-PA. Daraufhin können und müssen Sie sich selbst bis zum 01. Apr. '21 für die Prüfung anmelden. Wir werden den für die Veranstaltung Angemeldeten eine Erinnerungsmail an ihren sMail Account senden.

Notwendige Abgabe des Pre-Assignments bis 01. Apr. (11:00 Uhr) UND folgende Prüfungsanmeldung bis 01. Apr. '21 auf KLIPS sind Voraussetzung für 6 CP.

For any course related questions, please contact claudia.loebbecke<at> from your sMail account.


© Department of Media and Technology Management